aerospace engineering

The aerospace engineers are concerned with the design, analysis, construction, testing and operation of flight vehicles, including aircrafts, helicopters, rockets and spacecrafts. The course is based on the fundamentals of fluid dynamics, materials science, structural analysis, propulsion, aerospace design, automatic control and guidance, and development of computer software.
agriculture engineering
With increase in growth and associated industrial potential, Indian agriculture has now been accorded the status of an industry. The course on Agricultural and Food Engineering aims at producing engineering graduates to meet the requirement of technical manpower in development of farm machines, land and water resources management, agricultural production and manufacture of processed food. In order to meet the present demand of agricultural and food industries, the course has been suitably modified to include specialized training in design, development, testing and selection of tractors and farm implements, irrigation, drainage and watershed management using Remote Sensing and GIS; information technology, processing of food, fodder and fibre, utilization of biomass, byproducts and wastes in the production of biochemicals, fuels, manure and non-conventional energy. The course provides ample flexibility to the students for acquiring expertise in any of the three major areas of specialization, namely, Farm Power and Machinery, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, and Food Process Engineering.
The goal of this program is to prepare the students, both in theory and practice, for leadership in the globally competitive fields of Life Science, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology industry, academia and research. The program has been developed to meet the increasing demand in these fields of industry and researcth. Students of this program would find unique opportunities of employment and research in the areas of biomedical engineering, drug design, bioinformatics, biotechnology, nano-biotechnology, genomics etc. The course is designed to introduce biology as an experimental science, in contrast to its commonly perceived notion as a descriptive subject. The students will also find the application of a wide range of techniques in physical, chemical and mathematical sciences for designing, executing and interpreting experiments in biology.
chemical engineering
Chemical engineers work in diverse fields like petroleum refining, fertilizer technology, processing of food and agricultural products, synthetic food, petrochemicals, synthetic fibres, coal and mineral based industries, and prevention and control of environmental pollution. Chemical engineering is concerned with the development and improvement of processes, design, construction, operation, management and safety of the plants for these processes and research in these areas.
civil engineering
A civil engineer is concerned with planning, analysis, design, construction and maintenance of a variety of facilities such as buildings, highways and railways, airports, waterways and canals, dams and power houses, water treatment and waste water disposal systems, environmental quality control, docks and harbours, bridges and tunnels. A civil engineer is also required to deal with critical problems of today such as disaster mitigation and management, constructing offshore structures for oil production,
chemical engineering
Some chemical engineers make designs and invent new processes. Some construct instruments and facilities. Some plan and operate facilities. Chemical engineers have helped develop atomic science, polymers, paper, dyes, drugs, plastics, fertilizers, foods, petrochemicals... pretty much everything. They devise ways to make products from raw materials and ways to convert one material into another useful form. Chemical engineers can make processes more cost effective or more environmentally friendly or more efficient. As you can see, a chemical engineer can find a niche in any scientific or engineering field.
mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineers design and develop everything you think of as a machine - from supersonic fighter jets to bicycles to toasters. And they influence the design of other products as well - shoes, light bulbs and even doors. Many mechanical engineers specialize in areas such as manufacturing, robotics, automotive/transportation and air conditioning. Others cross over into other disciplines, working on everything from artificial organs to the expanding field of nanotechnology. And some use their mechanical engineering degree as preparation for the practice of medicine and law. The mechanical engineer may design a component, a machine, a system or a process. Mechanical engineers will analyze their design using the principles of motion, energy, and force to insure the product functions safely, efficiently, reliably, and can be manufactured at a competitive cost.
electrical engineering
Electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run our world. Whether it's gas, hydro, turbine, fuel cell, solar, geothermal, or wind energy, electrical engineers deal with distributing these energies from their sources to our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. Electrical engineering also involves the exciting field of electronics and information technology. Do you have a cellular phone or a computer? Wireless communication and the Internet are just a few areas electrical engineering has helped flourish, by developing better phones, more powerful computers, and high-speed modems. As we enter the 21st century, the technology that surrounds us will continue to expand and electrical engineers are le way
electronics and communication engineering
Design, fabricate, maintain, supervise, and manufacture electronic equipment used in the entertainment media, in hospitals, in the computer industry, for communication and in defense. Electronics engineers work with devices that use extremely small amounts of power. They work with microprocessors, fibre optics, and in telecommunication, television, and radio.
production engineering
These deals with integrated design and efficient planning of the entire manufacturing system, which is becoming increasingly complex with the emergence of sophisticated, production methods and control systems. Job and Scope: Opportunities are available in public and private sector manufacturing organizations engaged in implementation, development and management of new production Process, information and control systems and computer controlled inspection, assembly and handling. Biomedical Engineering: Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to help improve patient health care and the quality of life of individuals.
materials engineering
New materials have been among the greatest achievements of every age and they have been central to the growth, prosperity, security, and quality of life of humans since the beginning of history. It is always new materials that open the door to new technologies, whether they are in civil, chemical, construction, nuclear, aeronautical, agricultural, mechanical, biomedical or electrical engineering.
Types of EngineeringMinecraft - "Shadow of Israphel" Part 14: The Tale of the Sands Video Clips. Duration : 9.50 Mins.Please like and favourite to support this series! Facebook: Our Podcast: Texture pack is Gerudoku, this thread:
Tags: minecraft, adventure, mode, survival, multiplayer, yogscast, beta, israphel, notch, xephos, honeydew, lewis, simon, old peculier, daisy duke, skylord lysander, airship
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