Career fields are constantly evolving, but no more so than Biotech Careers. People who work in biotechnology are literally changing the world and the way we live in it. They are the ones who come up with the innovative products in health and agriculture that we use to treat illnesses and much more. If you are looking to make a difference in the world while also earning a good living, one of the careers in biotechnology might just be for you.

What is Biotechnology?
Biotechnology is part medicine, part technology, hence the name. Biotechnology uses living cells and any materials produced by them to create a variety of products-health, pharmaceutical, environmental etc.--that are of some benefit to society. Biotechnology workers are responsible for some of the greatest medical advances of the past decade and will, inevitably be responsible for many of the advances that happen in the future. Biotechnology is shaping the way people live.
Why Consider Biotech Careers?
If you have a talent for biology and technology, a biotech career could be perfect for you. It would allow you to combine two of your talents to do something that is creative and innovative, not to mention very rewarding. You may not realize it now, but if you were to get into biotechnology, you may be responsible for creating some incredible products that save lives.
Types of Biotech Careers
With biotechnology, you really cannot expect to jump right into creating great products after college. You must work your way up in any biotech company you may work for and prove yourself as a competent, talented biotechnology worker. There are many types of biotech careers, four of the many entry level positions are outlined below:
A glasswasher in biotech is a lot like a janitor, except they work primarily with the glassware used for experiments. Glasswashers are responsible for cleaning glasses and distributing them to the various parts of a laboratory. They must be very careful in handling these glasses, as if they break one, it can have bad results.
Lab Assistant
Lab assistants are higher up on the biotech food chain, but still not at the top. They are responsible for assisting the scientist in doing his or her experiments. They help with collecting and analyzing data, maintaining equipment and even writing reports on experiments.
Research Associates
Research associates work on projects and experiments with a team of other people. They must communicate their findings in experiments to other members of the team. They must also be able to collaborate with others, as well as identify inventions that are patentable and possibly contribute to scientific journals.
Greenhouse Assistant
Greenhouse assistants work greenhouse research labs and perform a variety of tasks, such as controlling pests, making detailed observations, collecting data, analyzing it and reporting findings to superiors. Greenhouse assistants may also perform maintenance on equipment.
Career Requirements
Starting a biotech career may require anywhere from a high school diploma to a post-doctorate degree. For positions like glass washer, only a high school diploma is required. But for positions like assistant and associate, an associates or bachelors degree may be required.
The pay for a biotech career ranges from ,000-0,000, depending on what your job title is, as well as experience. Most assistants get paid around ,000 a year, while associates may get paid ,000 a year.
Biotech Careers - 4 Entry Level Positions to ConsiderPRETTY FACE! (Opening Mail: Day 594) Tube. Duration : 18.72 Mins.THIS ISN'T TODAY'S VLOG. READ HERE - You guys asked to show more clips of the mail we get being opened, however - since there is so much of it you said we should put it in a separate video. That way we can show more stuff! Please remember guys, you DON'T need to spend money on us! We love artwork, letters just as much! Please save your money for yourself! :) Today's vlog (Day 594) can be seen by clicking here:
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