Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Buy Silver Sol - More Effective Than Traditional Antibiotic

Silver solution effectively works on the burnt skin in order to provide relief within few minutes. This sol is scientifically validated and supported in terms of safety and effectiveness. Silver Solution particles are absorbed completely into the blood shell and these particles are surrounded by charge carrying cell which is known as silver oxide. These ionic shells of silver particles are attached to the thin wall of the Pathogen against to restore two missing electrons. The oxide of the silver particle attracts these two electrons from the wall of pathogens. Recently, researchers have been understood how silver sol particles actually works and interact with the body in order to achieve the best outcomes. This post will disclose you how the new silver sol really operates inside the human body in order to defeat several categories of pathogens.

Psoriasis is one the serious diseases that wreck with one's health and skin and can be sore. One of the best treatments of this health problem is silver sol. You will surely purchase it once you know how exactly and effectively it works and can treat to your skin problem. To purchase a silver sol a very good idea and toy can experience the advantages of this natural medicine. After you get relief, you will compel to others to but a silver solution. You do not have to purchase it on rumor. You can buy it after you take the benefits for instant comfort and relief. This remarkable anti microbial solution is composed of 99.999 % cleans water and 0.001 % silver (10 parts of 1 million).

Strategy Of Silver's Attack
The patented silver sol is formed by a famous American Biotech lab and it is legally licensed for the distribution. The product has many positive lab research reports and clinical results. Each conducted study has back up the claims of hundreds of citizens who had been using this particular product for many years. Many researcher have been tested it, verified it and then established it for the protection of the families it works to improve the immune system and treat several types of general medical emergencies like scrapes, stings, colds, influenzas, mosquito bites and strep throat. It is really very much helpful for e if I am very hospital ridden in order to protect myself from several infections, SARS, and many other varieties of infections that have been developed over many years.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

GeneWize Life Sciences Business and Products Review

What Is GeneWize Life Sciences? Are they a real deal or just some scientific scam?
GeneWize Life Sciences is 12 year old biotech publicly traded company.' They have customized thousands of product in the past years and have done an extensive research about genetic nutrition.

Genewize Life Sciences have decided to open a marketing division and they are currently in prelauch stage. They have held a live event in Orlando where the main leaders of Genewize gathered to discuss the future of the company.

The offical launch of the company is august 1 2008 and the event will be held in Orlando, the Hilton Disney Resort on august 1-3, 2008. The company is creating a huge buzz, and people are attracted to the product, science and an opportunity to earn an amazing income by sharing informaton with the masses.

GeneWize Customized Products are the future of our genetic nutrition

GeneWize customizes products based on DNA results. They are made of 100s of whole foods per person. I think that with all high technology we have today, DNA diet and supplementation could be the most accurate health plan for us today.

When it comes to the health claims we cannot be 100% sure or promise that all the health problems will go away but we can have more personal approach to our health condition. The technology of 21st century is becoming more precise and accurate. People want the results and the only way it can be achieved if it is personalized and customized.

The current version of the LifeMap Nutrition SystemTM products comes in a "take it or break it" capsule. You can "take it" - swallow the capsule - or "break it" and mix the contents of the capsule with any beverage.

GeneWize has developed a program where you get genewize products and refer 4 people and get products for free. it is a great way to share news and help people to receive their daily supplementation for free. They have 60 days money back guarantee and they can try the products and decide if it is for them or not which is a great plus for the company of this kind.

When it comes to the GeneWize Business Opportunity, they love to keep it simple.

Who does not love simplicity? They make it easier for a business owner to build their business with all the resources they have to offer. A lot of seasoned networkers such as Jonathan Budd, Ryan Wade, Franco Gonzalez use YouTube videos, blogs to drive traffic to their sites to give more information. Then prospects come to the information site and then they go to Thursday night calls. The compensation plan of GeneWize is very lucrative and anyone can view GeneWize compensation plan and presentation on their website.

They have all medical literature to support their research in the past years to present to the medical professionals who are interested in DNA research and genetic nutrition.

The interesting factor is that Genelink received a patent in 2007 for dna based skin health assessment. It is designed to predict variety of skin conditions from aging to skin allergies.

The tests enables to customize skin care product to meet a customer needs. It is pretty awesome considering the fact that we, women, spend hundreds of dollars on skin care and we happen to flush those dollars in the toilet because we cannot find the right skin care for us. These tests are solution to many people problems and of course we cannot guarantee the perfect result, it is still a step closer.

In the summary, Genewize Life Sciences could be a solution for the individuals who are looking for the customised health plan and for serious individuals who want to build a real network marketing business.

Tatyana Gann is a home business coach and the owner of Global Mentors Marketing Group. She resides in Nashville TN with her husband and her two sons. For information about Tatyana Gann visit here personal website

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Guide to Current Patent Reform Legislation

Legislation that would dramatically overhaul U.S. patent law appears to be on a fast track in Congress, with Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) leading the charge.

But legal and business groups are finding themselves at odds over the legislation, with some saying it would reduce patent litigation costs and improve patent quality while others say it would do just the opposite. Everyone, it seems, can find parts of the measure to love and others to hate.

In April, identical bills were filed in the Senate and House, each titled the Patent Reform Act of 2007. In the Senate, Leahy and Hatch introduced S. 1145, while in the House Representatives Howard Berman (D-California) and Lamar Smith (R-Texas) introduced H.R. 1908.

On May 16th, a House subcommittee approved the bill for further review by the full Judiciary Committee, which held hearings on it in June. The committee released a revised version of the bill June 21st.

In an effort to help make sense of this legislation, we offer this guide to its key provisions, together with summaries of the arguments being raised for and against.


What it would do: In what would be a fundamental shift in U.S. patent law, the bill would bring the United States into conformity with the rest of the world by converting it from a first-to-invent to a first-inventor-to-file system.

Arguments for: Proponents maintain this would simplify the patent process, reduce legal costs, improve fairness, and enhance the opportunity to make progress toward a more harmonized international patent system. A first-to-file system, they say, provides a fixed and easy-to-determine date of priority of invention. This, in turn, would result in greater legal certainty within innovative industries.

Proponents also believe that this change would decrease the complexity, length, and expense associated with current USPTO interference proceedings. Rather than tie up inventors in lengthy proceedings seeking to prove dates of inventive activity that may have occurred many years earlier, inventors could continue to focus on inventing.

Finally, because this change would bring the U.S. into harmony with the patent laws of other countries, it would enable U.S. companies to organize and manage their portfolios in a consistent manner.

Proponents include: Biotechnology industry.

Arguments against: Opponents argue that adoption of a first-to-file system could promote a rush to the USPTO with premature and hastily prepared disclosure information, resulting in a decline in quality. Also, because many independent inventors and small entities lack sufficient resources and expertise, they would be unlikely to prevail in a "race to the patent office" against large, well-endowed entities.

Opponents include: The USPTO opposes immediate conversion to a first-to-file system, in part because this remains a bargaining point in its ongoing harmonization discussions with foreign patent offices. Inventors also oppose this.


What it would do: The bill would significantly change the apportionment of damages in patent cases. Under current law, a patentee is entitled to damages adequate to compensate for infringement but in no event less than a reasonable royalty. Section 5(a) of the bill would require a court to ensure that a reasonable royalty is applied only to the economic value attributed to the patented invention, as distinguished from the economic value attributable to other features added by the infringer.

The bill also provides that in order for the entire-market rule to apply, the patentee must establish that the patent's specific improvement is the predominant basis for market demand.

Arguments for: Proponents say this measure is necessary to limit excessive royalty awards and bring them back in line with historical patent law and economic reality. By requiring the court to determine as a preliminary matter the "economic value properly attributable to the patent's specific contribution over the prior art," the bill would ensure that only the infringer's gain attributable to the claimed invention's contribution over the prior art will be subject to a reasonable royalty. The portion of that gain due to the patent holder in the form of a reasonable royalty can then be determined by reference to other relevant factors.

Complex products, the proponents contend, often rely on a number of features or processes, many of which may be unpatented. Even where the patented component is insignificant as compared to unpatented features, patentees base their damage calculations on the value of an entire end product. This standard defies common sense, distorts incentives, and encourages frivolous litigation.

Further, courts in recent years have applied the entire-market-value rule in entirely dissimilar situations, leaving the likely measure of damages applicable in any given case open to anyone's guess.

Proponents include: Large technology companies and the financial services industry.

Arguments against: Opponents argue that Congress should not attempt to codify or prioritize the factors that a court may apply when determining reasonable royalty rates. The so-called Georgia-Pacific factors provide courts with adequate guidance to determine reasonable royalty rates. The amount of a reasonable royalty should turn on the facts of each particular case.

Although intended to guard against allegedly inflated damage awards, this mandatory apportionment test would represent a dramatic departure from the market-based principles that currently govern damages calculations, opponents say. Even worse, it would result in unpredictable and artificially low damages awards for the majority of patents, no matter how inherently valuable they might be.

Opponents further argue that this change would undermine existing licenses and encourage an increase in litigation. Existing and potential licensees would see little downside to "rolling the dice" in court before taking a license. Once in court, this measure would lengthen the damages phase of trials, further adding to the staggering cost of patent litigation and delays in the judicial system.

Opponents include: The USPTO, Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Paul Michel, the biotechnology industry, smaller technology companies, patent-holding companies, medical device manufacturers, university technology managers, the NanoBusiness Alliance and the Professional Inventors Alliance.


What it would do: Section 5(a) of the bill would limit a court's authority to award enhanced damages for willful infringement. It would statutorily limit increased damages to instances of willful infringement, require a showing that the infringer intentionally copied the patented invention, require notice of infringement to be sufficiently specific so as to reduce the use of form letters, establish a good faith belief defense, require that determinations of willfulness be made after a finding of infringement, and require that determinations of willfulness be made by the judge, not the jury.

Arguments for: Proponents say that willfulness claims are raised too frequently in patent litigation - almost as a matter of course, given their relative ease of proof and potential for windfall damages. For defendants, this raises the cost of litigation and their potential exposure.

A codified standard with fair and meaningful notice provisions would restore balance to the system, proponents say, reserving the treble penalty to those who were truly intentional in their willfulness and ending unfair windfalls for mere knowledge of a patent.

Further, tightening the requirements for finding willful infringement would encourage innovative review of existing patents, something the current standard discourages for fear of helping to establish willfulness.

Proponents include: Large technology companies, the financial services industry, and the biotechnology industry.

Arguments against: Opponents argue that willfulness is already difficult to establish under existing law. The additional requirements, limitations, and conditions set forth in the bill would significantly reduce the ability of a patentee to obtain treble damages when willful conduct actually occurs. The possibility of treble damages under current law is an important deterrent to patent infringement that should be retained as is.

Opponents include: The USPTO, the Professional Inventors Alliance.


What it would do: Section 10(b) of the bill would permit an interlocutory appeal to the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals after a Markman hearing on claim construction, rather than waiting for a final judgment from the district court.

Arguments for: Proponents say these appeals would reduce the length and cost of litigation. Claim construction, they argue, is a fundamental predicate that goes to the heart of any patent infringement case. Until a claim is construed, it is impossible to establish whether infringement occurred and whether the patent is invalid. This process also serves to narrow discovery and motion practice and related expenses.
Proponents assert that an interlocutory appeal would help to mitigate the judicial inefficiency that occurs when a full trial is conducted based on an incorrect interpretation of the patent, only to be reversed on appeal and sent back for a second trial. More than a third of all Markman rulings are overturned on appeal, meaning that many litigants end up paying the attorney fees and expenses for two trials.

Proponents include: Large technology companies and the financial services industry.

Arguments against: Opponents say interlocutory appeals from Markman hearings would increase litigation and court congestion and offer "another bite at the apple" because the reversal rate for claim construction is fairly high. The net result, they say, will be to significantly delay final judgments from the lower court, significantly delay potential settlements, and significantly increase litigations costs.

Opponents argue that the Federal Circuit would not be able to handle expeditiously the large numbers of Markman appeals, meaning that resolution of the underlying district court cases would be delayed for years.

If this provision is enacted, opponents say, it would result in an interlocutory appeal in virtually every patent infringement case as soon as a Markman order is issued. One study estimates this would double the number of appeals each year.

Opponents include: The USPTO, Federal Circuit Chief Judge Michel, the biotechnology industry, smaller technology companies, and smaller patent-holding companies.


What it would do: The bill would expand the ability of third parties to challenge a patent after its issuance. In particular, it would allow any person to oppose a patent within 12 months after it is granted. More controversially, it would allow a challenge at any time if the petitioner "establishes a substantial reason to believe that the continued existence of the challenged claim in the petition causes or is likely to cause the petitioner significant economic harm."

A newly designated Patent Trial and Appeal Board would be responsible for conducting the post-grant reviews. The presumption of validity that applies to patents during litigation would not apply to these post-grant review proceedings. Instead, a "preponderance of the evidence" standard would apply.

Arguments for: Proponents say these post-grant review procedures would be an improvement over existing reexamination procedures because they would allow consideration of evidence gleaned through depositions and interrogatories as well as from patents and other documents. Also, proceedings would be overseen by an administrative law judge rather than a patent examiner. These changes would allow for more meaningful review and that, in turn, would lead to better patent quality overall.

The so-called second window - the ability to challenge at any time - is necessary, proponents say, to allow for a meaningful and broadly available reevaluation of suspect patent claims before a firm is forced into prolonged and expensive litigation.

Proponents include: Large technology companies and the financial services industry.

Arguments against: While reexamination is an important component of the patent system, it must be structured in a manner that preserves the value and enforceability of the majority of patents, opponents say. This change would create an essentially limitless opportunity to challenge a patent at any time during its life. This would be a dramatic departure from the norm and cast a cloud of uncertainty over issued patents. If a patent can easily be challenged at any time under a low standard of proof, patents will have much less value and investment predicated upon them will inevitably be diminished. This, in turn, will likely result in less innovation.

Additionally, the resulting surge in complex, post-grant review proceedings would further strain an already overburdened and under-funded USPTO, thereby jeopardizing the agency's ability to improve pre-grant patent quality.

Opponents include: The USPTO, the biotechnology industry, smaller technology companies, patent-holding companies, medical device manufacturers, university technology managers, the NanoBusiness Alliance and the Professional Inventors Alliance.


What it would do: Section 5(b) of the bill expands the prior-use defense, which presently applies only to business-methods patents, to cover all patents.

Arguments for: Proponents argue that this expansion is reasonable in a competitive economy and strikes a balance between trade secret and patent protection. They also say it goes hand-in-hand with U.S. adoption of a first-to-file rule. Prior-user rights benefit smaller businesses, which often lack the resources or know-how to pursue patent protection, proponents say. This measure would allow them to commercialize their inventions when they used the subject matter of the invention prior to the patent's filing date, even when they did not pursue patent rights.

Some foreign countries presently allow prior-user rights, including Germany and Japan. This measure would help level the playing field for U.S. companies by putting them in the same competitive position as their overseas counterparts.

Proponents include: The financial services industry and the biotechnology industry.

Arguments against: Opponents contend that prior-user rights undermine the purpose of a patent system by creating a strong incentive to protect innovations as trade secrets. Under a prior-use defense regime, if inventors are able to protect their innovations as trade secrets, they are able to use them indefinitely, even if someone else obtains a patent on the invention.

Opponents also argue that this change would benefit larger corporations at the expense of smaller ones. They also contend that prior-user rights would reduce the value of patents and therefore make innovation less desirable.

Opponents include: The USPTO, the Professional Inventors Alliance.


What it would do: Section 10(a) of the bill limits the places where corporations may be sued in patent cases by amending 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) to provide that a corporation "resides" only where it has its principal place of business or in the state in which the corporation is incorporated. Current law presumes a corporation to reside wherever it is subject to personal jurisdiction. This change would not apply to declaratory judgment actions brought by alleged infringers.

Arguments for: Proponents argue that this change would discourage forum shopping. As the law now stands, any company whose products are sold nationwide is subject to patent litigation in any jurisdiction in the country. As a result, certain jurisdictions have become magnets for patent cases because of the disproportionately high number of cases they decide in favor of patentees.

This forum shopping imposes a costly burden on businesses which must collect evidence and witnesses and travel to remote jurisdictions to try complex patent cases over a period of weeks or months.

Proponents include: Large technology companies, the financial services industry, and the biotechnology industry.

Arguments against: Opponents argue that this change would be a substantial departure from established practice and may not result in the most appropriate and convenient venue for litigation. Certain district courts attract patent cases not because of favoritism, they say, but because of their expertise and timeliness. They also argue that the impact of forum shopping is minimized by the existence of a single appellate court for patent cases, the Federal Circuit.

Opponents include: Smaller patent-holding companies, smaller technology companies.


What it would do: The bill would authorize the USPTO to promulgate substantive - as opposed to procedural - rules and regulations for the first time in its history.

Arguments for: Proponents argue that giving the USPTO substantive rulemaking authority would be beneficial to the patent system and would help ensure an efficient and quality-based patent examination process.

Proponents include: The USPTO.

Arguments against: Opponents note that the U.S. Constitution expressly gives Congress the power to protect intellectual property and that delegating that authority to an administrative agency would be an ill-considered abdication of that Constitutional authority. Further, this grant of authority would create instability in the patent system, because the USPTO could make multiple changes to the law during the life of a patent. The job of defining substantive patent law is better left to Congress and the courts.

Opponents include: The biotechnology industry, smaller technology companies, patent-holding companies, university technology managers, medical device manufacturers, and the NanoBusiness Alliance.


What it would do: The bill would change the current practice of requiring the inventor to sign an application. It would allow the assignee of an invention to file a patent application in its own name. It would also allow substitutes for the inventor's oath where the inventor is unable or unwilling to sign.

Arguments for: Proponents say this change would reduce unnecessary formalities in the patent application and simplify and streamline the process. They also say this change would go hand-in-hand with a U.S. shift to a first-to-file system.

Proponents include: The USPTO.

Arguments against: Opponents say that patent applications filed by assignees may lack the actual inventor's personal guarantee that the application was properly prepared. In addition, assignee filing might derogate the right of natural persons to their inventions.

Opponents include: The Professional Inventors Alliance.

This article was originally published in BullsEye, a newsletter distributed by IMS ExpertServices. IMS ExpertServices is the premier expert witness and litigation consultant search firm in the legal industry, focused exclusively on providing custom expert witness searches to attorneys. We are proud to be the choice of 89 of the AmLaw Top 100. To read this and other legal industry BullsEye publications, please visit IMS ExpertServices' recent articles. Call us at 877-838-8464 or visit us at

Friday, September 24, 2010

Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase

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Safety. Although the hazards in the following experiments are negligible, you are advised to consult the latest edition of 'Safeguards in the School Laboratory' published by The Association for Science Education ( before embarking on any experiment.

Outline. Catalase is an enzyme which occurs in the cells of many living organisms. Certain of the energy-releasing reactions in the cell produce hydrogen peroxide as an end-product. This compound, which is toxic to the cell, is split to water and oxygen by the action of catalase. 2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2

Samples of liver and yeast are dropped into hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen is evolved and the student is asked to extend the experiment to try and decide if an enzyme in the tissues is responsible. The experiments and the questions take about one hour.

Prior knowledge. The existence of inorganic catalysts; enzymes denatured on boiling; oxygen relights a glowing splint.

Advance preparation and materials - per group

20 volume hydrogen peroxide 50 cm3


liver, about 1 cm cube

distilled water 20 cm3

dried yeast about 1 g

clean sand about 1 g

activated charcoal granules, about 1 g

Apparatus - per group

test-tube rack and 4 test-tubes

forceps or seeker for pushing liver into test-tube

4 labels or spirit marker

filter funnel

Bunsen burner

filter paper

test-tube holder

mortar and pestle


The investigation below is a fairly critical examination of plant and animal tissues to see if
they contain catalase.

(a) Label three test-tubes 1-3.

(b) Pour about 20 mm (depth) hydrogen peroxide into each tube.

(c) Cut the liver into 3 pieces.

(d) To tube 1 add a small piece of liver, and to tube 2 add a pinch of dried yeast.

(e) Insert a glowing splint into tubes 1 and 2, bringing it close to the liquid surface or into the upper part of the froth.

1 Describe what you saw happening and the effect on the glowing splint.

2 How do you interpret these observations?

3 Is there any evidence from this experiment so far, to indicate whether the gas is coming from the hydrogen peroxide or from the solid?

4 Is there any evidence at this stage that an enzyme is involved in the production of gas in this reaction?

(f) In tube 3 place a few granules of charcoal and observe the reaction.

5 Could charcoal be an enzyme? Explain your answer.

6 Assuming (i) that the gas in (f) is the same as before and (ii) that the charcoal is almost pure carbon, does the result with charcoal help you to decide on the source of the gas in this and the previous experiments?

(g) Suppose the hypothesis is advanced that there is an enzyme in the liver and yeast, which decomposes hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water; design and carry out a control experiment to test this hypothesis.

7 Record (i) the experiment, (ii) the reasons which led you to conduct it, (iii) the observed
results and (iv) your conclusions.

(h) Wash out the test-tubes. Design and carry out an experiment to see if the supposed enzyme in the plant and animal material can be extracted and still retain its properties. The experiment should include a control.

8 Describe briefly your procedure, your results and your conclusions.

9 Assuming that liver and yeast each contain an enzyme which splits hydrogen peroxide, is there any evidence to show that it is the same enzyme? What would have to be done to find this out for certain?

Discussion - answers

1 Effervescence should be observed in each case but it is more vigorous with yeast than with liver. The glowing splint should relight.

2 Oxygen is being produced.

3 There is no evidence to indicate whether the liquid or solid is giving the gas. If the students think that a solid is unlikely to give off a gas they could be reminded of marble and hydrochloric acid in which it is the solid producing the carbon dioxide. It seems less likely, however, that yeast and liver would both give off oxygen when treated with hydrogen peroxide, than that hydrogen peroxide should give oxygen when treated with diverse substances.

4 So far, there is no evidence of an enzyme being involved.

5 A gas will come off but not sufficiently rapidly to relight a glowing splint. Charcoal could not
be an enzyme because (a) it is an element and (b) it has been produced by very high temperatures that would destroy enzymes.

6 Charcoal, as an element, could not be giving off oxygen. The gas must be coming from the
hydrogen peroxide.

7 (i) The experiment should involve boiling the tissues and then putting them into hydrogen peroxide.
(ii) If an enzyme is involved,
(iii) no gas will be produced.

8 The student should grind the samples with a little sand and distilled water, filter and test the filtrate with hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen will be evolved with a vigour proportional to that witnessed when the original substances were tested.

The student should boil half of each extract and show that it loses its activity.

9 There seems no fundamental reason why yeast and liver should not have different enzymes which catalyse the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. To be certain on this point, the enzymes would have to be extracted and their chemical composition determined.

D G Mackean is the author of GCSE Biology, IGCSE Biology, and many other Biology text books. He has a site of Biology Teaching Resources at which includes a bank of experiments for teachers, sample PowerPoint presentations, and many biological drawings

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Studying the Human Body's Anatomy - For Human Anatomy Students & Educators

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In reality there are some things that you will be studying in the human anatomy that are sort of like a warm up to the topic. These are important because they are your general starting points. An example of this is anatomy sections, or terms of position and direction. They all have to do with your human anatomy studies, but there are sort of a side line of the main topic.

Yet you must understand them in order to enter into your studies. A good example of this is the body cells. You can't categorize these into one part or organ because the entire body is made up of cells. So before you can delve into the deeper workings of the body, you must study the basics first.

You obviously entered the study of human anatomy because it intrigues you to the point where you want to know all about it. This is most probably because you intend to utilize it in some form of profession, such as a Doctor, Nurse or even a Para medic. This means that you are interested and enjoy the field. That is the first step into being successful in your studies. It is much easier to learn something if you have a keen interest in it, because you will retain more of the facts that you are learning. A word of warning, know when to take breaks from your studies. If you become frustrated too often, and for long periods of time, you could lose your interest because of this. Then your studies will suffer.

As we mentioned ,you need to know all about a cell. Now here's where it gets interesting because there are different shapes of cells, and each shape has a name. You have probably heard the term , dna. Well this is it. Everybody has unique cells, and its that uniqueness in the cell that makes up your dna.

You are really going to get excited when you see a cell under a microscope and know by the shape of it what part of the body it came from. To know this you have to learn how to identify them. As you read about them in your text book ,draw a picture of them in a column. In another column next to them write the name of what the cell is. Now leave a large 3rd column. Here you can write notes about that particular cell each time you come across information relating to them. Once again you have a good block of information. Studying in blocks is a perfect way to learn.

When you get to the point of studying an individual cell and all its components ,draw a large cell on a piece of paper , with the front of the cell cut off so you can see the inside of the cell. Now as you learn about each part of what that cell is made up of, draw it on the cell and color it. Now put the details about that part in a block of text, under the cell. Border the block of text in the same color you used on the part in the cell. You will now be able to read your notes, see the color, and quickly reference where it is in the cell. Using the colors is helping you to visualize and link information.

James Ross is the founder of -

HumanAnatomyCourse is the awarding winning human anatomy and physiology home study course

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It is the complete home study course with key Facts, revision tests and quiz at the end of each lesson. It can't get any easier than this!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Science And Nature For Kids

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Why is the grass green? Why is the sky blue? Why is the tree bigger than the other? Why do I feel hungry? These are a few of the hundred questions a child asks his parents day in and day out.

But by condemning children for their incessant questions, you stub out their inquisitiveness that leads to growth of knowledge. Teaching science and nature to kids is a great way to help them explore the world. A world that is far different than what they live in. You may think they get enough of science from their school textbooks. But that is far little than what a malleable kid's mind can devour.

You do not have to set up a lab or invest heavily in instruments. The world is an open laboratory and the best way to teach your child is to take him out into the world. Stare at the moon and see it change shapes through the month. Makes notes of the same on the calendar and then predict its shape for the coming week.

See flowers bloom and question why flowers droop and wither, See animal and plant behaviour, see fish move swiftly and check how they sleep, how does the washing machine work, how does the fruit mixer grind fruits? What is the material in a sofa or a bed, why is it used?

Science is everywhere, it can be learnt and observed and fed into your child's mind, leaving them asking more questions than ever before. You don't have to be a scientist or an engineer to know all the answers but a positive approach towards science is all that you need.

Keep your mind and ears open and teach your children the same. Fuel them to ask questions, relevant questions not just mindless questions. Put science books under their noses and sit and watch discovery and national geographic together with your kids.

Hold mini competitions in your house with questions in regard to general knowledge of science and nature. This will encourage your children to dig into books and learn the nuances of everyday science. Being in-step with science will help your child be updated and walk tall in life.

How do you get a cold? What is the cure to it? How can you avoid getting a cold? Are a few questions you can get your child to ask and answer? Do not spoon feed them, let the mind explore. It helps build logic to form an answer. In this way children can decode science and make sense of the world.

When your children are exposed to the world or in conversation with older people they can be a part of it with their wealth of information which only you can induce them to swallow. Sometimes children get so engrossed in science and nature that they get far ahead in life and take up professions in relation to this field. But it all begins when the tender mind is hungry for knowledge.

You can assist your child cultivate in great knowledge by giving them appropriate hobby ideas [] which could either be pumpkin carving or halloween crafts. Click on the links to know more on the same.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Distance Learning Course for Scientific Research in Biochemistry

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Distance education has come out as a prominent solution for students who have been trying to juggle between their work and education. Given the prominence of living sciences in education as well as the living world, it does not come as a surprise that biochemistry has taken a front foot as compared to the other streams in medicine. The distance education courses pertaining to biotechnology research is helpful in letting us decode the intricacies that are involved in molecular make up of the biochemical world. Furthermore, it is also able to help with the understanding of the modifications that could possibly save species from extinction.

If you are interested in biotechnology research or even agricultural research, it would be a better approach to begin with a good survey of the subjects that come within this wide stream. These include physiology, molecular as well as cell biology, as well as microbiology. You can later add on subjects such as that of enzymology, cell communication, as well as gene regulation to your advanced biotechnology research. You have the option to excel in one or even more of the pertaining areas. These programs help the aspiring researchers to understand and analyse about the functioning of the human body along with the genetic structure of the system.

The field of biochemistry extends to molecular biochemistry, macromolecular metabolism, physical biochemistry, and nutritional biochemistry. The distance education approach focuses on the medicine as well as healthcare. Advanced studies pertain to developing newer and resilient medications as well as therapies for the denunciation of diseases. Biotechnology firms as well as the scientific publishing houses have been on the look out for researchers and graduates to bring forth novel accomplishments over the topics of agriculture research, as well as pharmacology and veterinary medicines. You also have the option to learn about the gene expressions as well as the development of the science of genetics in biotechnology research.

Universities have started to offer research subjects under distance education. This has helped the candidates who have interest in the fields of agriculture research as well as the other fields pertaining to the same. You can also approach the foreign universities in US and other nations for gaining a degree on the same. Universities such as Maryland and Saint Joseph offer distance education pertaining to agriculture as well as biotechnology research. You will be able to learn about the courses through a well-maintained lecturing material, which comes with audio as well as video lecturing.

The distance-learning mode has been prompt in solving the education needs of a large mass of population and given the current rate of their popularity, they will be able to carry forward this tradition into the future.

This is Sonam Verma belong to New Delhi, India writing articles, blog and exploring on new interesting topics such as property, job, education, health, food etc. You can find more details about Biotechnology research and distance education.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Magnetic Beads and Their Technological Developments

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Today in-depth research in magnetic beads and cellular development biotechnology lead to cell separation and cell expansion techniques. There are different processes through which protein sample preparation and protein isolation technology can be done for help in cellular structure and other biochemical processes. Magnetic bead chromatography and other protein to protein combined interactions help with the active formation of the magnetic beads application. One such amazing concept to be developed through in-depth analysis is the Dynabeads application. This world renowned magnetic beads company has made technological advancements in several fields and they have brought different forms of product categories to be used in various medical and biotechnological proceses. Cell isolation, cell expansion, MRNA isolation kits, DNA isolation kits, ligand-coupled beads, tested sample processor for automated and isolated protein sample preparation, Oligo-dT coupled beads, immunoprecipitation, protein and peptide isolation, beads for OEM and IVD, surface activated beads application and magnetic beads for various other purposes come under their wide selection of product ranges. 

Dynabeads high technology bring superparamagnetic and monosized polymer magnetic beads. These are liquid-phase kinetics developed and they have bioreactive molecules that can be used as adsorbed or even coupled to the surface. They are often used to separate biological matter through cells, proteins and other nucleic acid formations. Nucleic acid purification steps are involved in most cases for bringing effective alteration of structures and successful transmission of information. IVD assay development and streptavidin coupled Dynabeads are some of the most important parts of technology that come with in-depth research and analysis in this area. There are incredible magnets and mixers available that bring greatly effective biomagnetic separation. Dynabead types and uses are many and they can be tested through sample processor or sample mixer before indulging in an in-depth project. These beads can separate protein surfaces through bioreaction and bring separate biological matters like cells, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. The magnetic particles can be derived from alternative surfaces and can compromise the reproducibility of the results.

For more information, visit They offer information on Magnetic Proteins, as well as Nucleic Acid Purification.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

All About Biotech Research

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One of my friends, a former community college student at the school at the same time I was working there, has decided to go into biotech research. She is technologically savvy and at the same time is fascinated with and good at working with the environment, and hopes to make some important contributions to our area (Northern California). So what does it mean to do biotech research? What does it take to get into the field of biotechnology? And how much dough can you make?

Biotech research can involve anything in the life sciences, from "human health and computational disease mapping to crop and tree improvements," as those studies are done by students at the Biotech Research Center at Michigan Tech, from "forensics, [the] testing of biotoxins, and management of the nation's organ transplantation process" to "drug development, medical diagnostics, biomedical engineering, and environmental analysis," such as those done at Virginia Biotechnology Research Park, or from biogenetic engineering, farming, or nutritional assessment and engineering to toxicology, biomedical imaging and engineering, or food, drug, and environmental technologies, as conducted by University of California Biotechnology Research and Education Program (UC BREP).

How much a person in biotech research makes depends on what funding the biotech research facilities are backed by. At the Biotech Research Center at Michigan Tech, for instance, funding is at $8.3 million, provided by such organizations as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the U.S. Drug Administration (USDA). At the same time, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the biotech research engineer (as well as the biomedical engineer) make an average of $48,503 with a bachelor's degree and around $59,667 with a master's degree.

But will the jobs in biotech research be there when my friend and you finish your degrees? Well, again according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projection for job growth in the field of biotech research in particular but biotechnological engineering in general looks good through 2014, with the growth "much faster than average. This, BLS asserts, will be attributed to the aging of the population, the increased focus on health issues, and the demand for "better medical biomedical engineers." Because of the heightened interest in biotech research and biomedicine, more degrees are granted in these fields/areas...and hopefully, more grants are awarded!

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning research and science. Learn more at Biotech Research

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pharmaceutical Industry in India, Top Pharma Companies and Jobs

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Pharmaceutical companies in India are growing at a very fast pace and this has made the Indian pharmaceutical industry as the second largest growing industry. Also the pharmaceutical industry in India is the third largest in the world, which will be of US$20 billion by 2015. Mergers and acquisitions are the part of this growth. The compounded annual growth rate of pharma in India is 12-15% and the global figures are 4-7% for the period of 2008-2013. With such a profound growth of pharmaceutical companies in India numerous pharmaceutical jobs can be seen. This in turn is helping biotechnology industry and booming the biotechnology jobs in India.

Angel Broking has done a research on the growth of pharmaceutical industry and found that by 2015 the pharmaceutical industry in India will be in the top 10 markets. Yet another finding of FICCI-Ernst & Young study reveals that the population of high income group in India is rising which will give rise to more influx of MNCs and expensive drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies along with native companies are also competing with the top MNCs. Such a profound growth is because of the heavy population figures and with the increasing number of middle class people and their income the access to drugs and medicines is also increasing. But still the low-priced generics are popular in Indian pharmaceutical industry.

From India in year 2007-08 total of US$ 8.25 billion were exported and there was seen 29% rise in this figure in 2009. MR Anand Sharma, Union Minister of Commerce said that pharmaceutical sector in India has grown and it is the major contributor to exports from India. In 1990 the amount was meager as compare to today's massive figures.

Initiatives by Government

  1. Tax breaks are offered to pharma industry

  2. New procedure for the development drugs

  3. Proper clinical procedures

  4. New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative and the Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Research Programme - Two schemes launched by the government.

Some Vital Information on Pharmaceutical Companies in India

  • In terms of volume - India's pharmaceutical industry is the third largest in the entire world.

  • In terms of value - India's pharmaceutical industry ranks fourteenth

  • By 2015 - It will be in the list of top 10 global pharmaceutical markets and it will touch US $ 20 billion.

  • 2008-2009 - Saw 29% growth in exports of pharmaceutical drugs as compared to 2007

  • 2013 - Indian formulation market is expected to touch US$ 13.7 billion

Top 10 Pharmaceutical Companies in India

  • Ranbaxy

  • Dr Reddy's Laboratories

  • Cipla

  • Sun Pharma Industries

  • Lupin Labs

  • Aurobindo Pharma

  • GlaxoSmithKline Pharma

  • Cadila Healthcare

  • Aventis Pharma

  • Ipca Laboratories

R Oberoi is associated with Manpower from India and recommends for searching and finding information on all kinds of jobs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post Nasal Drip Cures

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Mucous is produced by our body to protect us from diseases caused by dust and particles that comes inside our body. These mucous secretions sits on top of cilia, the tiny hair like membranes that moves to and fro and move the mucous and whatever it is carrying to the back of the throat and eventually down to the stomach where it is disposed by the stomach acids.

When this system is not working properly, proper drainage is inhibited and things get clogged up. If the mucous becomes too thick, it cannot be moved by the cilia and it will block the system and cause congestion and obvious feeling of post nasal drip.

Nasal irrigation is one of the suggested methods of curing post nasal drip. You can use a neti pot or squeeze bottles of a saline solution to clear up thickened mucous from your throat. The appliance Hydro pulse is also considered the best method because it emits saline solution in about the same frequency that cilia oscillate, making them more active since they are being stimulated at their own frequency.

Over the counter medications may also be acquired to help make the mucous thinner and help unclog the nasal system and create better drainage.

Home remedies such as hot tea with lemon also help stimulate the cilia. It is advised that if you have post nasal drip, nasal blockage or sinus infection, you should drink 10 cups of hot tea per day.

Some other tips in curing post nasal drip are - increased fluid intake to 6-8 glasses of water per day, lessen caffeine intake, avoid stress, the use of an isotonic buffered saline nasal wash, and a hypertonic nasal decongestant with antibacterial properties.

To discover additional tips on eliminating post nasal drip, check out

Monday, September 13, 2010

Some Emerging New Economy Careers

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Effect Of New Economy Careers

Some of these emerging careers may require higher skills and educational qualifications and are accompanied by higher compensation packages. An increase in such jobs has also seen a parallel growth in the number of colleges offering courses that are relevant to them. For years, people have found it exceedingly hard to find a career path that strikes a balance between personal passions and lucrative career growth. The discontent this caused has also led to the development of newer and better job opportunities. These new economy jobs aim at offering a good working environment along with substantial pay packages.

Modifications In Job Fields

New jobs in the 21st century will revolve around the information, health care, energy and financial industry. The jobs created will primarily focus on computer science, robotics, biotechnology and fiber optics. With the dawn of the information age, there is an increasing reliance on technology than ever before. The rapid advancement in technology has resulted in the clash of new thinking styles with the traditional and orthodox ones.

Science And Technology

The fastest emerging careers today relate to fields like forensic science, health care, homeland security, case management, life care planning, geriatric care management, genetics, and cyber security. These fields are now gaining popularity and proving to be the fastest emerging new economy careers as compared to several years ago. Until recently, in the United States, the automobile and related industries accounted for a major part of employment opportunities. However, employment avenues in these fields have declined as a result of increased automation.

Medical Prospects

Nursing informatics is an upcoming career that involves skills in nursing, computer science and information technology. New medical imaging techniques have given rise to radiological specialties and improvements in data management have led to geographic information systems.

Other Opportunities

Computer security is another emerging specialty that is gaining popularity. Improved computer graphics have led to a variety of animation specialties. Other emerging job positions include Internet development specialist, multimedia specialist and wireless communications technician. Occupations that may emerge from unforeseen technological breakthroughs include artificial intelligence technician, aqua culturist, automotive fuel cell battery technician, benefits analyst, bionic electron technician, computational linguist, computer microprocessor, cryonics technician, dialysis technologist, electronic mail technician and space mechanic.

Reason For New Economy Careers

Demographic trends like increased immigration, aging, higher educational levels, changes in consumer needs and tastes are creating a need for more skills from employees. The opportunities for people are limitless and if tapped correctly, this trend is sure to bring economic stability and job satisfaction around the world.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Free Will and Determinism

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The existence of free will always goes hand in hand with determinism. Free will is defined as a choice that is free and independent thereby makes it a voluntary decision. From a philosophical aspect, it is a personal choice which is expressed by human that is not merely determined by physical or divine factors. Stimulated by rain, a frog croaks, or a rooster crows at dawn. We know that the frog and the rooster have no choice in the matter as their behaviors are environmentally determined. Thus, their actions are instinctive and they act according to the environmental cues. Humans, on the other hand, have much greater behavioral flexibility and thus are able to adapt to the environment. The key word here is 'adaptation', as humans are always engaged in it to avoid extinction.

The presence of genes does not by itself promise that a certain trait will be manifested, but coupled with the combination of the right and proper environment is crucial for the innate tendencies to be fully expressed. These environmental factors take into account of not only of natural surroundings but also of the individuals' social and culture.

In behaviorism or behavioral psychology, the key element is that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Through the interaction with environment, the conditioning occurs. Therefore, behaviorism places no consideration of internal mental states but focuses on the study of behavior in a systematic and observable manner. Free will is the ability to choose and it implies that it is something that occurs within a person besides the influences of deterministic elements such as heredity and environment.

A person may choose to behave in one way or the other by his free will despite inheritance and all environmental effects. Free will thus places choice as something that is real, not just an illusion and each of us can cause a certain behavior. The reconciliation between free will and determinism brings 'soft determinism' and 'compatibilist.' According to Donald Hebb, soft determinism holds that free will comprises of behaviors that are also dependent on inheritance and past environmental history. This contradicts the conventional idea of free will that is thinks of a choice made is free from the influence of past events.

Based on John Broadus Watson, an American psychologist who believed strongly that psychology should involve the study of the visible behavior, he basically left the part where the mental processes that occur within a person that is also important in the study of free will. His views on behaviorism are at its most extreme. Human behavior is always influenced by factors evidently which include biological and environmental. A creative decision which is made that is free of the influences from these factors is called free will.

To exclusively separate free will and determinism in two groups help us understand what each is defined against the other. But to understand life and the interaction of humans with each other and the choices that are brought about, free will and determinism must be assessed both at the same time. For as long as a person is unaware that he or she is controlled by the biological and environmental, the more that he or she is controlled or constricted by these elements. And thus every choice and decision that is made comes thus from a determined pasts or experiences. For example, an 18 year-old female who has a controlling father may act in subtle ways that show her rebellion to go against her father, when he does not allow her to go out with her friends at night. Her actions can be rooted in free will or determinism or a combination of both.

The idea of a certain action comes from either free will or determinism exclusively is naive as she can act for that sole purpose to go against the father, as most adolescent do. Or she can act in a more adult way by showing that she can be trusted or held responsible by her actions and thus making the relationship with the father a more effective one. The environmental factor in this case, which is the father's controlling nature triggers a respond to the daughter.

To include a biological factor now we use the same situation except for the personality of the daughter, who is very sensitive in nature and has been diagnosed with depression. Research has shown that some people are born with a certain chemical imbalance in the brain that causes them to be more easily depressed than others. So, when this person acts in the same situation as the example above to go out at night with her friends, she may feel that her controlling father does not understand her or he is set on his decisions that she is no to be trusted.

Thereby, his reactions of not allowing her to go out may cause her to react in ways that are unique to her and her predisposition. She may just decide to abandon the idea of going out, and miserably stay in her room and get depressed. She may feel that her father's actions are justified as he is being protective of her or that he does not trust her enough. So, free will is in question as she is constrained by a biological factor which is the imbalance in the brain chemicals, causing her behavior. But to a certain point, the environment too influences her nature to become more depress such as the father constant anger or mistrusting attitudes which will exacerbate the depression. Thus, the environment works together with the biological aspects to induce a certain outcome in the behavior of the person.

In both examples, by looking at the behaviorist point of view, we don't see the internal conflicts that go on in the individual as we focus on the physical aspects of the daughter's reaction to the same controlling father. Psychodynamic approach which is based of Sigmund Freud tells us that the reactions of the daughter to the controlling father are influenced by id, ego and superego. This perspective focuses on the role of unconscious mind, experiences of early childhood and interpersonal relationships to explain the behavior of a person. Free will can't be applied when there are the factors in the past that work to produce a certain kind of behavior. But if the person realizes that these factors are at work, then at least, in this frame of mind, she can transcend the experience by making a new decision with respect to the reaction of a controlling father. This way, at the background of so many deterministic factors, her awareness will take her to a new position in her response to her father.

Free will and determinism, looked upon from the angle of behaviorism, psychodynamical and biological perspectives, brings us to notice that free will; acts in conscious choice that is not determined by compulsion of heredity, circumstance or environment, is not possible if there is no awareness of the controlling deterministic factors in the first place. To transcend the influences of the past, the biological make-up, and all the cultural and social impacts on a person, the awareness that these things are working to influence the choices a person makes, is important, for determinism to be broken down. And thus, allowing a creative choice to be made creatively, the closest the experience to free will anyone can have.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Graduation Slideshows

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Slideshows for graduations are a very beautiful way to show the graduate how very proud you are of him or her. As parents we pour our hearts, souls and lives into our children. We watch them grow from a beautiful infant to a beautiful and responsible adult. Graduation day is the first step in their independent life. What better way to celebrate than with a graduation slideshow production the celebrates the life of the graduate.

The first smile, the first step, the first lost tooth, learning to ride a two-wheeler, the first tee-ball game, the first ballet recital, the first day of school, the first dance..... These memories and so many more preserved in photographs and videos. Most of these photographs and videos are spread out through various photo albums, shoeboxes and racks of videos. But with a graduation slideshow production you can put all your favorite photos and videos together to create a beautiful, sentimental, and heart-felt celebration of the graduate's life that he or she will be able to view and share with all his or her friends whenever they want.

Include in your graduation slideshow production words of congratulations from family and friends and you'll have a graduation slideshow that will become a treasure to the graduate throughout his or her entire life. As one young lady said, "I love my high-school graduation slideshow because anytime I begin to miss my family and friends while away at college I just put in my slideshow and it helps me not to be so home-sick."

The graduation slideshow can be shown at the graduation party and can include pictures of the graduates family and friends. All the guests will be entertained, laughter will be heard, tears will be shed. Your graduation slideshow production will surely be the hit of the evening and the talk of the guests for years to come. And it will remain a wonderful heirloom and keepsake that the graduate will someday share with his own child on their graduation day.

Graduation slideshows - beautiful, sentimental, fun, warm, loving, and heart-felt. Sands of Time Multimedia Creations are specialists at creating slideshows for graduations and the graduation party. Graduation day will be here before you know it so begin creating your graduate's graduation slideshow production today. You and your graduate will be so glad you did!

Sandra Clukey, Slideshow Consultant and Creator for Sands of Time Multimedia Creations Visit us and experience the difference! View samples here: See her articles "12 Steps to a Successful Slideshow Production" and “Planning the Perfect Slideshow Production” You may publish my articles on your website only if you do not edit the article in any way, and include author bio and all links and html as direct links to our site.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Clinical Research - An Overview

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Over the period of time, Research & Development service industry has reached new levels and scaled great heights. Right from simple home remedies to complex research processes, every year better and modern products have been developed. The demands for medicines that speedily and effectively cure contagious diseases have further added to the need for extensive and deeper research. More resources and personnel are attributed as far as R&D is concerned. The need for better and safer products is never ending.

Owing to the efforts and endeavors of pharmaceutical industry a variety of health products and medicines that cater to different diseases and health issues have been developed. Though drug development was an import sector on earlier centuries, it is the 19th century that paved way for a streamlined and organized drug development processes. The success of a pharmaceutical company entirely relies on innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. The stress is on being an innovator and leader in the domain of Research & Development.

In this modern age, latest equipments, skilled research team and fully equipped laboratories are in place to conduct Research & Development. Before placing the medicine in market, it has to pass through variety of phases and tests. Clinical research, metabolic studies, and pre-clinical pharmacology and many other processes are undertaken before it is approved for use. The important thought behind this is to introduce an effective and safe product (with minimal side effects). This is a tedious process that involves trial and error, observations, and inferences. Time, man power and revenue together contribute into developing a new drug.

Though new inventions resolve prevailing health disorders, newer diseases evolve and the battle against illnesses continues. There is no dearth of human intelligence, but the success and advancement of the pharmaceutical industry depends solely on the Research & Development.

Like the other industries, pharmaceutical firms also need to focus on revenue and profit. Every drug needs to be approved by FDA, if it is not approved then all the costs and resources allocated for developing it goes waste and can translate into heavy losses.

Billions and millions are spent on clinical trials, data management, and labor costs too. If this part is outsourced the company can focus on other aspects and avenues thereby resulting in cut down in costs and lesser requirement of human resources. For example, a firm can focus on in-depth research on the drug formula, while testing of drug safety can be simply outsourced. This will do away the need for a testing laboratory and personnel.

At times, then need for a local drug is there and you do not need a global product. For example Dengue has hit major parts of Delhi. So to transfer and set-up plants and establish a firm and a testing unit needs huge funds and infrastructure in place. Rather than re-locating the main firm or its personnel, it is viable to hire and engage local resources or simply outsource it to a specialized company. This results in speedy, hassle-free, thorough and cost-effective projects.

Susan Parker is an experienced medical writer, specializing in writing on how biotechnology and pharmacy are partnering to develop the best in medication. Know more on Research Services and pharmaceuticals from Cirruspharm

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Biotechnology Careers

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Biotechnology refers to technological applications that employ living organisms and biological systems extensively in the field of medicine, food science and agriculture. Biotechnology is successfully applied to produce organic products as well as biological weapons. Applications of biotechnology include recycling and treating waste. Using biotechnology can effectively clean areas that are contaminated owing to continuous industrial activities. Red biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that is utilized in a variety of medicinal processes to produce different antibiotics. While white biotechnology is applied to industrial processes, green biotechnology is incorporated in agricultural processes. Blue biotechnology has been applied in marine and aquatic processes; however, this form of biotechnology is not very common. Statistics reveal a growth rate of 24% in the sales figures of biotechnology products, with maximum growth being witnessed in Latin America. Out of the estimated 4000 biotechnology firms around the world, about 30% of them are located in the United States. Due to widespread application of biotechnology, this field has also become a vital career option for many people.

Career Options

Individuals interested in biotechnology can find an array of career choices, as this field is rapidly expanding. It is important for such individuals to be aware of the various disciplines of biotechnology before deciding their field of specialization. Typically, biotechnology students can specialize in any of the six major fields of biotechnology.

a. Biological Scientists - Biological scientists conduct a detailed study on living organisms by effectively employing advanced technology. This field comprises of the study of animals, plants and microscopic organisms. Individuals can have a promising career in this field as food and agricultural scientists, pharmacists, veterinarians, biomedical engineers, conservation and forensic scientists and general practitioners.

b. Biomedical Engineers - Biomedical engineers have the knowledge and expertise to form artificial body parts, commonly known as prostheses. Individuals specialized in this field can pursue a career as physical therapists, computer hardware engineers, mechanical engineers and surgeons.

c. Clinical Laboratory Technologists - Individuals can obtain expertise to detect body fluids and tissues, to check for symptoms of any disease after conducting various tests. Such individuals can pursue a career as a pathologist, biological scientist, chemist or a materials scientist.

d. Forensic Scientists - Forensic scientists or crime laboratory analysts are instrumental in providing vital scientific information that can be crucial for criminal proceedings. Career options for such individuals include detectives, archaeologists, anthropologists, and detectives.

e. Medical Scientists - They conduct intensive research on bacteria and various viruses that are the root cause of various diseases, and utilize their research to create a variety of medicines and vaccines to treat or eradicate these diseases. There are plenty of career options such as statisticians, internists, chemists, and material scientists.

f. Pharmacists - Pharmacists are responsible for distributing medicines and also guiding patients in terms of correct medication and appropriate dosage. Career options are unlimited and include advanced practice nurses, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, and pharmacy technicians.

Biotechnology schools are found everywhere and they impart knowledge to students about various aspects of this field. Some of best known universities in America that offer courses in Biotechnology include Northeastern University, Yale University, American University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Florida, Iowa State University, and University of Minnesota.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Forensic Science Colleges

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Forensics is the shortened term for forensic science. The Latin definition of the word is "before a forum", this is because most forensics experts are called upon to present and prove evidences before judges and juries in court litigations. Their testimonies and reports on findings are extremely important in the court procedure, especially when the prosecution's case hangs solely on evidence.

The term forensics refers to the application of a wide range of knowledge; processes and methods used in the different scientific fields in answering or finding evidence form a crime scene to aid law enforcers to bring the right people to justice. This is where forensic science colleges specialize. People who master in forensics in forensic science colleges mostly begin as laboratory scientists doing research and experiments. They are perhaps lured into the law enforcement side by the more enriching experience of bringing to light the mysterious, the baffling, and almost unsolvable aspects of a crime. They usually have a solid background in chemistry, biology, physics, and psychology.

The police and other government agencies use forensics to collect and process evidences from crime scenes. With all the advancements in technology, forensics have also evolved into more complex processes that can now pinpoint the accurate time and date of death, identify burnt or decomposing bodies, or identify someone from a mere hair, fingernail, or saliva sample. Recent improvements in the equipment used in the laboratories have also helped correct some inaccuracies from the past. Previously convicted suspects are freed because new evidences show they could not have possibly committed a crime. Missing persons are identified from skeletons or even just from skulls.

Lawyers, law enforcers, and journalists sometimes enroll in forensic science colleges to augment their previous disciplines. There are several colleges and universities that offer electives in forensic science. Short courses are also offered online for graduate students. Forensic science students can get degrees in any of the Forensic Science disciplines, including criminalistics, engineering sciences, jurisprudence, odontology, pathology, physical anthropology, behavioral science and psychiatry, questioned documents, and toxicology. A solid background in chemistry or biology is often a plus for candidates.

Forensic Science [] provides detailed information on Forensic Science, Forensic Science Degrees, Forensic Science Colleges, Forensic Science Schools and more. Forensic Science is affiliated with Biotechnology Careers.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Are Meat and Milk From Cloned Animals Really Safe to Eat?

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The cloning process for cattle is almost identical to human embryo cloning techniques. The process, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves the removal of an egg cell's DNA and replaces it with DNA from a body cell of a donor. The resulting cell can be chemically programmed to divide. If the cell survives, it may become an exact genetic duplicate of the body cell donor animal. In practice, the process produces a high proportion of deformed animals that cannot survive. As cells divide, their chromosomes get shorter. This is because the DNA sequences at both ends of a chromosome--called telomeres-shrink each time the DNA is copied. What does this mean? It means problems can develop during later development. Aging is affected. Chromosomes from cloned cattle seem to have a longer lifespan compared with the cells of naturally conceived cattle. However, Dolly, the cloned sheep, had cells aging faster than cells from a normal sheep. Dolly's death at the relatively early age of 6 years old fuels the debate about the long term health of clones.

Problems of development associated with cloning have not been solved. Scientists aren't sure why cloned animals show differences in telomere length. According to the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, "there has not yet been a single cloned mammal that has yet been alive long enough to have lived a natural life span for that animal. We can't underestimate the unanswered questions about cloning." Yet, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded meat and milk from cloned animals are safe for human consumption, clearing the way for cloned products to enter the U.S. food supply. Remember, this is the same FDA that proclaimed DES was safe in our food which was later discovered to cause cancer, and the same FDA that permits synthetic steroid male and female hormones and synthetic growth promoters to be added to our food today. The FDA in its ruling also concluded no labeling is required to inform the consumer that the food is derived from cloned animals or their offspring.

"The FDA has acted recklessly, and I am profoundly disappointed in their rush to approve cloned foods," said Maryland Senator Barbara Mikulski, co-sponsor of a bill amendment passed by the U.S. Senate which asked the FDA not to rule until further research was available. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said cloned animal products may not be safe and further study was needed. Of course, the biotechnology industry disagrees with the EFSA and Senator Barbara Mikulski. "The biotechnology industry applauds the FDA for its comprehensive scientific review of this new assisted reproductive technology," said Jim Greenwood, president and CEO of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, which represents companies and institutions in the biotech field.

The FDA asked for a "voluntary moratorium" on keeping cloned products out of the food supply for now. However, a New York Times article reports that Donald Coover of Kansas has sold enough semen from a cloned bull in one year to inseminate 2,000 cows. In 2008, Coover told the Washington Post that it "is a fairy tale that this technology is not being used and is not already in the food chain."

Are meat and milk from cloned animals really safe to eat? The rush to judgment by the FDA prevents a safe and thorough answer to that question. Once again, the American consumer becomes the laboratory test animal as in the case of DES.

Sandy Powers

A breast cancer survivor who also battled liver disease, Sandy Powers turned to organic foods after her mastectomy to heal her liver and fight cancer recurrence. Her research and amazing results she shares in her recently published book "Organic For Health." Visit Sandy at

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Top 10 Popular Science Books

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1. Annals of a Former World, by John McPhee

In patient, lyrical prose, McPhee takes the reader on a geologic journey through the United States. This volume was originally published as 4 books; each is centered on a road trip the author took with a geologist, observing the earth next to Eisenhower's great US highways for clues into its geologic past. Annals has this--no borders, idealistic, On the Road for geologists kind of feel (though a bit more grown-up.) I pick up Annals every once in a while when im in a relaxed mood, when im looking for a good example of literary science writing. Highly recommended as a companion for camping trips, if you can fit it into your pack.

2. Surely You're Joking, Mr, Feynman, by Richard Feynman

A string of excerpts from Feynman's life/career, Surely You're Joking is probably the popular science book I have read through the most times, not because it is short, but because it is at once compelling, understated, and full of indispensible scientific concepts. Richard Feynman has an uncanny ability to make physics easily digestible, his lectures are a testament to that and Surely You're Joking is no exception. Feynman's easy prose makes the reader feel like physics is understandable, as if he has laid out a diagram of the universe on his living room floor--no one is an outsider. It's delightful. Feynman's in my 'top 5 people I would give my right pinky finger to meet' category.

3. A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson

The second heavy volume on the list, A Short History is packed with nearly everything. It takes a look at the science behind a lot of things--beauty, cells, evolution, the universe. Bryson rejects the traditional notion of a 'textbook' with this book, making science seem relevant in our daily lives AND putting this knowledge in the context of the universe--in space and time. Capturing the detailed nooks where science is often concentrated AND eliciting the wonder of the wider perspective is an accomplishment--savor it wherever you can find it. Great in audio book format.

4. The Richness of Life, collection of essays by Stephen Jay Gould

The idiosyncratic Gould has written articles in Natural History and many other science magazines for decades and is one of the most widely read modern science writers. In this collection of articles, Gould's highly intellectual, witty, and pin-accurate prose explains evolutionary theory, racism or baseball with a scientist's eye, but in a way that engages the layman. Gould's dedication to science shows in every piece. Delightful.

5. In the Shadow of Man, by Jane Goodall

A classic book--easy read, no jargon. Goodall's observations of chimpanzee's in the wild first brought to light one of man's most recent ancestors--the chimpanzee. This book chronicles some of Goodall's groundbreaking research through her own observations about chimp behavior. Once immersed in the book, I couldn't help but think--we are all just apes, evolved from or related to one another. Puts things in perspective.

6. The Canon, by Natalie Angier

Someone at the New York Times science desk once told me--"Natalie Angier is the queen of metaphor." I have to agree. The Canon is the best example of her witty prose winding the reader through simple scientific questions with difficult answers. In this book, Angier tackles what she has deemed the basic scientific concepts everyone should know: thinking scientifically, probabilities, calibration, physics, evolutionary biology, chemistry, molecular biology, astronomy and geology. Phew. I have to say--this could have been very text-book, but because of her writing style, is masterful. I actually have had many non-scientist friend recommend this to me, which is always a good sign.

7. Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, by Lewis Thomas

Another collection of essays worth picking up, Thomas' book is a joy. Each essay packs a good amount of philosophy into it's literary package as Thomas meanders through simple topics and concepts in biology and makes larger connections (cells are like mini organisms, social animals work together like parts of a cell, etc.) Thomas often uses themes repetitively in his essays, so this collection is good for sporadic reading.

8. Universe in a Teacup, by K.C. Cole

Where can you find a book that successfully intertwines the discipline of mathematics, with the concepts of truth and beauty? Universe is just such a book; K.C.'s most popular and in some ways seminal volume. Metaphors she uses pack a punch. Her prose style is somewhat poetic, and in Universe, she proves adept at explain things like chaos or phase transitions are illuminating--not just because you finally understand some science concept that always seem so obscure, but because Cole has also given the you a new way to think about mathematics and the world alongside your new understanding. (Full disclosure--Cole was my academic mentor)

9. Enduring Love, by Ian McEwin

Ok, so not everyone would categorize this as a popular science book, but Ill include it anyway. Enduring Love is a fiction book, partially written from the perspective of a former scientist, but more importantly, it is a suspenseful story that lets the author's attitudes towards life bleed through each and every page. Ian McEwan is a well-know rationalist who believes that science is just as much a part of culture as anything else--a position with which I very much empathize. This is a literary tale, sure, but McEwin manages to mention scientific ideas all over the place, integrating science and its ways of thinking into the lives of his complex characters and slowly revealing situations. It's a page-turner.

10. Six Easy Pieces, Six Not-So-Easy Pieces, by Richard Feynman

I tried not to include any author twice, but I couldn't resist. Feynman is fantastic. Check out these books for fundamental lessons of physics.

*Suggested missing authors--Simon Singh, Richard Dawkins

Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Submit Your Invention Idea

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An idea can certainly change million of lives. If you are an inventor and has some great idea, read on to know how to go about it. A great idea can make some real difference in the lives of other people including your own. However, before you turn your idea into a profit making venture, never forget to obtain a patent right. As a first step, it is very important to protect your idea from getting stolen. Also it is quite essential to know if the idea is new or not. Getting patent is the only way to judge the authenticity of your idea.

Getting a patent right is a simple process. All you need is a patent lawyer, who can guide you to file and submit your proposed idea to Patent and Trademark office. Getting copyright or patent can save and insure you against any potential problem in future. The next step would be contacting the right company to market your idea. Today there are massive numbers of companies available who can provide their professional help for an idea worth generating a huge profit.

However, it is important to understand the legalities before you get into partnership with any company. A company may try to compensate you over your idea and remove you from further production process. Inventing something is not an easy task. It takes years to consider and re-consider the pros and cons of an invention. It will be your sole decision to agree on such terms or not, after all it's your idea. More than any financial gain, it is the fame that matters but the choice will be always yours!

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in education. She also offers top quality articles like Biography Of Paul Wolfowitz, Einstein Selfless Great Deed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Highly Efficient Biotechnological Plants

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Biotechnological plants are highly efficient. They have given a new face to Pharmaceutical engineering by their innovations in the field of medical science. These plants have immense power to perk up the human health and face numerous environmental challenges. According to recently published reports, the future of these plants is very gleaming.

These plants utilize the concepts of biotechnology that is a new and emerging technology. The developed medicines provide better health advantages as compared to the traditional counterparts. According to latest surveys, it is estimated that by the year 2015, all new drugs, 50% of the world's major crops, everyday products including the food products, fuels and detergents etc will be produced using the concepts of biotechnology. The new crop varieties developed by this contemporary technology requires lesser water, fertilizers and pesticides and also have the capability to increase the global food production.

Biotechnological plants are making huge progress in numerous related fields of medical science. These plants have wide range of applications in various sectors. But many obstacles stand in the way of their expansion and commercialization. These barriers include the technological challenges as well as several regulations, inadequate investments, human resources, social approval and the market structures.

As these plants deals with the medical incentives, global economic crisis have negligible affect on them. These plants focus more on the usage of botanical resources for the development of medicines instead of the chemicals. These resources have lesser side effects and the developed medicines are cheaper then those that are prepared using chemical agents. Hence, these plants are highly efficient.

For more information on Pharmaceutical engineering and the benefits of Biotechnological plants please visit the mentioned website

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Agricultural Jobs - Changing Opportunities

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Agriculture has always been a very integral part in American history. The first settlers to come over to America needed to become good farmers in order to survive. The agriculture industry has grown by leaps and bounds since that time, and now the agricultural job market can be very rewarding. Many of the new agricultural jobs available these days deal with the new types of technology that are required to produce the crops that America demands. The days of a family working their land by hand and producing a small amount of crops is over. Now many large plantations are run by huge corporations that capitalize on many of the new emerging technologies to harvest a larger amount of crops in a shorter period of time. If you would like to get one of these new types of jobs in the agricultural industry, then you will need to make sure that you stay on top of the new technologies available.

Many of these new jobs in the agricultural field have embraced these new technologies. Two of the new technologies that have created many new jobs in the agricultural industry are global positioning systems (GPS), and biotechnology. The GPS systems have really enhanced the ability for farmers to seed and harvest their crops in the best way possible. They can make sure that they position all of their crops exactly where they want them to be for them to be the most productive. The biotechnology field has really helped the agricultural industry, because many new innovations have allowed better and safer fertilizers to be used on crops. Biotechnology has also helped farmers to better understand what helps to make their crops better. Both of these new technologies are very interesting and offer many new opportunities. The agricultural industry still requires quite a bit of hard work to bring in a good crop, but now many people can take advantage of these improvements to make the industry a much better experience.

Find Agriculture Jobs at